March 2019
The Regular Planning Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2019 has been cancelled due to lack of an agenda.
Jodi Manheim, Secretary
Westfall Township, Matamoras, PA
February 4, 2019
The Regular meeting of the Westfall Township Board of Supervisors was held Monday, February 4, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held at the Township Building on Delaware Drive and LaBarr Lane, Westfall Township.
Those present were Chairman, Robert Melvin, Vice Chairman, Jerry Dotey; Supervisors; Robert Bostinto, Paul Fischer, Paul Schaldonat; Solicitor; Robert Bernathy; and Secretary, Jodi Manheim; Zoning Officer, Jeff Cammerino. Also present were Road Master, Bill Schneider; Emergency Management Coordinator, Mike Fischetta; Westfall Township Fire Department Chief; Fred Jacobs; Westfall Fire Department President, Bill Koferl; Westfall Fire Department Member, Mike Pflanz; Mill Rift Fire Department President, Bob Lewis; Mill Rift Fire Department Chief, Bob Mills; Treasurer, Scott Myer; Mike Gable, Boucher & James, Myles Wren, Esquire, Michael Kelly, Pike Health Properties, LLC, Will Whitehead, Kiley Associates, LLC, and approximately 10 members of the general public.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The last executive sessions were held on the following dates:
January 7, 2019 @ 9:23 pm for personnel matters
February 4, 2019 @ 6:40 pm for personnel matters
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the agenda with no changes. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. William Clark, Matamoras/Westfall Township Historical Society, addressed the Board with many thanks for giving the Historical Society the opportunity to rent the lower level of the Township Building. He noted the Historical Society will use the Driller Building as storage and will hold their meetings at the Matamoras Borough Hall. Mr. Clark then asked the Board if they would consider an extension for vacating the premises due to the recent weather conditions.
A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve an extension in time for vacating the lower level of the township building until February 28, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
January 7, 2019 Organization/Regular Supervisor Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the January 7, 2019 minutes. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with four in favor and one abstention. Supervisor Fischer abstained due to his absence at the meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr. Myer gave the report through the month of January, 2019.
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the Treasurer’s Report through the month of January, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Stewart gave the report for the month of January, 2019. The report reflects the following:
1 Juvenile Arrest
4 Adult Arrest
3 Investigations
7 Motor Vehicle Crashes
2 Assaults
11 Thefts
1 Fraud
1 Vandalism
4 Weapons Offense
1 Drug Abuse
1 Offense Against
4 Disorderly Conduct
3 All other
Significant Happenings:
*attended a range simulator training session at PJPD
*attended a meeting at Wallenpaupack H.S. for Safe2say program
*Conducted second coffee with a cop a McDonalds
*met with representatives from Pine Bush H.S. to go over Law & Leadership Academy
*sent an officer to Hershey for Evidence Room Management
*Presented check to Spagnoli Cancer Center at Orange Regional Medical Center (proceeds from No Shave November)
*Applied for $5,000 in grant money for Body Camera Expansion
*Attended Criminal Justice Advisory Board Meeting
Chief Stewart reviewed highlights from the 2018 Yearly Report and information regarding a proposed Junior Police Academy program through the High School.
Brief discussion followed regarding “coffee with a cop” and the cost of Narcan.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the January, 2019 Police Report. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Mill Rift Fire Department: Mr. Lewis gave the report for the month of January, 2019 which reflects as follows:
01/02/19: Work Night-Fire House Maintenance
01/08/19: Best Western Fire Alarm-Tanker
01/08/19: Monthly Meeting
01/13/19: Matamoras Fire Alarm-703 Avenue H-Tanker
01/16/19: Work Night-Equipment Maintenance-ran and checked all engines
01/30/19: Work Night-went over pump truck
Total Man Hours: 59
Total Equipment Hours: 16
Total Man Hours for the Year: 59
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the January, 2019 Mill Rift Fire Department Report. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
Westfall Fire Department: Chief Jacobs gave the report for the month of January, 2019 which reflects the following: 9 Automatic Fire Alarms; 6 Motor Vehicle Accidents; 2 CO Alarm; 4 Chief Investigations: 1 Spill Control; 3 Structure Fires; 2 Wires Down; 1 Vehicle Fire. The Total calls for January, 2019 were 30. The total fire calls year to date are 30.
The EMS Report for the month of January, 2019 was as follows: 40 Calls in Westfall Township, 9 Calls in Dingman Township, 5 calls in Milford Township, 9 calls in Milford Borough, 19 calls in Matamoras Borough, 2 calls in Delaware Township, 3 calls in Shohola Township, 8 Calls in Orange County, NY. Total calls for January, 2019 were 95. Total EMS calls year to date are 95.
The combined Year to Date calls are 125.
Training for the month: Five In House drills for a total of 105 training hours
Other: Concerns with Best Western-CO Alarm System
A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve the Westfall Fire Department report for the month of January, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Mr. Schneider gave the report for January, 2019 which reflects the following:
*Storms-1/8; 1/10; 1/17; 1/18; 1/19; 1/24;1/29; 1/30; 2/3
*50 tons of salt ordered
*150 tons of Anti-Skid ordered
*Maintenance on Equipment
*Ditch/Drain maintenance
*Tree Trimming in township right of way
*Road Master attended Road Task Force Meeting
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Highway Department Report for January, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
BUILDING/ZONING REPORT: Jeff Cammerino gave the report for January, 2019 which reflects the following:
2 Building Permits, 2 Electrical Permits, 1 Sign Permit and 1 Zoning Permit for the month of January, 2019 totaling $967.00.
Mr. Cammerino also reported the following:
*organized zoning office for more efficiency
*worked on designing a more efficient zoning application form
*informed the Board of the status of a violation regarding an illegal dog breeding business on Cummins Hill Road
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the Building/Zoning Report for January, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Mr. Fischetta gave the report for January, 2019 which reflects the following:
*No calls for the month of January, 2019
*Mr. Fischetta noted there were two winter events that were closely monitored and remained uneventful. As of now the outlook for the remainder of the winter season shows nothing significant. That could change but is not likely.
*Also noted that EMA received a vhf amateur radio for use in the Township EOC as a donation from Matamoras EMA. This radio was from a lot of 3 originally donated by Chief Stewart EPRPD and former Pike County Sheriff Phil Bueki. This radio could potentially play a key role in emergency communications should there ever become a need.
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the purchase of a computer monitor and battery upgrade to the EMA computer not to exceed the cost of $850.00. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Emergency Management Report for the month of January, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
CORRESPONDENCE: On desk for review.
- Schedule Workshop Meeting: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to schedule/advertise a workshop meeting for Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
- Cable Company Contract/Franchise Agreement: This matter was tabled until the February 20, 2019 workshop meeting.
- Specification Package for base of proposed salt storage building: Kiley Associates, LLC currently working on bid package. This matter was tabled.
- Fire Protection Contract-Compliance by Fire Departments: This matter was tabled until the March 4, 2019 Supervisor Meeting.
- Modification of Township Building/Police Department Relocation: Brief discussion followed. Vice Chairman Dotey noted the next step will be to have Kiley Associates, LLC provide a bid specification package to prepare for bid advertisement. No action taken.
- Voting Delegate to State Convention: Brief discussion followed. No action taken.
- Non-Uniform Pension Plan-Minimum Municipal Obligation: Chairman Melvin confirmed with Scott Myer payment has been made in the amount of $16,336.00. No further action taken.
- Bluestone Boulevard Project/Stream Relocation-Kiley Associates, LLC: Mr. Whitehead explained the plan to the Board. He stated he would be meeting with the Department of Environmental Protection and that the next step would be figuring permitting cost. Chairman Melvin suggested the Board check into any grants available which were discussed at a previous meeting with Kristina Heister, National Park Service. No action taken.
- Sewage Extension-Grant Application/Resolution 2019-2/Intergovernmental Agreement: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve Resolution 2019-2 Notice of Intent and a Resolution of the Municipality of Westfall approving an application for a grant under the Pike County Scenic Rural Character Preservation Program. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the approval/execution of the Intergovernmental
Agreement between Westfall Township, Milford Township, Milford Borough, The County of Pike and
The Municipal Authority of the Township of Westfall for the purposes of agreeing on the procedures to
evaluate the feasibility of the Extension project and to go forward with the Westfall/Milford 537 Plan, if the
parties determine the project is feasible. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with
all in favor.
- Hampton Inn/Best Western Tax Appeals-DVSD Legal Services Reimbursement/Appraisal Services Reimbursement: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve reimbursement to DVSD in the amount of $913.00 for Westfall Township percentage of appraisal fees pertaining to the Hampton Inn/Best Western Tax Appeals. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve reimbursement to DVSD in the amount of $3,186.00 for Westfall Township percentage of Legal Services pertaining to the Hampton Inn/Best Western Tax Appeals. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
- Change December 2019 Regular Planning Meeting to December 18th from December 25th: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to change the date of the December 2019 Regular Planning Meeting from December 25th to December 18th.
- Census Bureau-Employment Opportunities: Chairman Melvin explained correspondence received by the Census Bureau regarding upcoming employment opportunities through the Bureau. He stated to contact Jodi Manheim for the contact information if anyone is interested in seeking further information.
- Pennsylvania 811-Safe Digging Month Recognition-Resolution 2019-1: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve Resolution 2019-1 recognizing April, 2019 as Safe Digging Month. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
- Paddler’s Point Garden Apartments-Verification of plans approved: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to confirm the previous approval of June, 2017 was to approve the Preliminary Plan of the Paddler’s Point Garden Apartments Land Development and NOT a Final Plan approval. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
- Letter from Planning Commission: Brooks Partners, L.P. and Deborah Pierson Fischer/Paul Fischer-Minor Subdivision/Lot Consolidation Application/Letter from Kiley Associates, LLC-extension request: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to accept offer to extend deemed approval period by sixty (60) days. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with four in favor and one abstention. Supervisor Fischer abstained since he is one of the applicants.
- Letter from Planning Commission: Pike Health Properties, LLC/Westfall Senior Center Amended Major Subdivision and Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Preliminary/Final Amended Plans for the Pike Health Properties, LLC application. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: No executive session held.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. on a motion by Supervisor Fischer. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodi Manheim
Please take notice that the Westfall Board of Supervisors will hold a Workshop Meeting on March 18, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. for the purposes of discussing a proposed/draft Cable Company Contract, website security any other business that may come before the Board of Supervisors. The meeting will be held at the Westfall Township Municipal Building located at 102 LaBarr Lane, Westfall Township, Matamoras, PA.
Jodi Manheim