Forms & Fees
Westfall Township Zoning Applications and Worksheets
- Zoning Permit Application
- Zoning Application Worksheet
- Application for Conditional Use Curative Amendment
- Floodplain Permit Application
- Zoning Hearing Board Application
- Resolution No. 2025-1 Westfall Township Fee Schedule
Westfall Township Building Permits
Permits and Forms – Building Inspection Underwriters of PA (
Commercial Building Permit Process
Westfall Township Road & Driveway Permits
Westfall Township Driveway Permit
Westfall Township Street Excavation Permit
Westfall Township Septic Permits
Open Records
Westfall Township Employment Application
Westfall Township Application for Employment – fillable
Westfall Township Complaint Form
Westfall Township Complaint Form
Westfall Township Ordinances
- Ordinance No. 1-Vacating portion of Rt 395
- Ordinance No. 2-Fire Hydrant Rental
- Ordinance No. 3-Vacating portion of Rt 33
- Ordinance No. 4-Vacating portion of Rt 397
- Ordinance No. 5-Vacating portion of Rt 432
- Ordinance No. 6-Vacating portion of Rt 436
- Ordinance No. 7-Vacating portion of Rt 438
- Ordinance No. 8-Hydrant Rental
- Ordinance No. 9-Vacating portion of Rt 432
- Ordinance No. 10-Prohibiting Storage of Junked Autos-Repealed
- Ordinance No. 11-Social Security System to employees
- Ordinance No. 12-Vacating portion of Rt 395
- Ordinance No. 12A-Street Light Assessment Cemetary Road
- Ordinance No. 14-Creating Planning Commission
- Ordinance No. 15-Rental of Fire Hydrants Riverside Estates
- Ordinance No. 16-Regulating Trailer Parks
- Ordinance No. 17-Amendment to Ordinance #16
- Ordinance No. 18-Establishment of dumping ground
- Ordinance No. 19-Amendment to Ordinance No. 18
- Ordinance No. 20-Licensing shows, carnivals etc
- Ordinance No. 21-Creating Westfall Township Police Dept
- Ordinance No. 22-Specification for proposed streets or roadways
- Ordinance No. 23-Sewage Fees-applications and permits
- Ordinance No. 24-Authorizing tax for general revenue on the transfer of real estate
- Ordinance No. 25-2-Amendment to Ordinance No. 25
- Ordinance No. 25-Building Permit Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 26-Amending Ordinance No. 25
- Ordinance No. 27-Subdivision Regulations-Repealed
- Ordinance No. 28-Highway Occupancy Permits
- Ordinance No. 29-Highway Occupancy Permits
- Ordinance No. 30-New Subdivision Regulations
- Ordinance No. 31-Parking Regulations
- Ordinance No. 31A-Enforcement of PA Sewage Facilities Act of 1966
- Ordinance No. 32-Amendment to Ordinance No. 30
- Ordinance No. 33-Authorization of Construction of Maple Ave. Water Main
- Ordinance No. 34-Regulation of Dogs running at large
- Ordinance No. 35-Amendment to Ordinance No. 31-a
- Ordinance No. 36-Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 37-Open Container Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 38-Amendment to Ordinance No. 36
- Ordinance No. 39-Prohibiting throwing or depositing litter in public places
- Ordinance No. 40-Establishing Police Pension Fund
- Ordinance No. 41-Ordinance Amending Township Ordinance No. 31A
- Ordinance No. 42-Authorizing Westfall Township to borrow $20,000 for truck purchase
- Ordinance No. 43-Westfall Township Oil and Gas Well Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 44-Flood Plain Development Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 45-Central Water Facilities By Matamoras Municipal Authority
- Ordinance No. 46-Specifications for proposed streets or roads to be offered for dedication
- Ordinance No. 47-Unsafe Building Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 48-Subdivision Ordinance-Repealing Ordinance No. 30
- Ordinance No. 49-Westfall Township Zoning Ordinance-Repeal prior ordinances
- Ordinance No. 50-Regulating Installation and use of private burglar alarm systems
- Ordinance No. 51-PLGIT
- Ordinance No. 52-Amending Ordinance 31-a
- Ordinance No. 53-Regulating Installation and Use of Private Fire Alarm Systems
- Ordinance No. 54-Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 49
- Ordinance No. 55-Westfall Township Police Pension Fund amending Ordinance NO. 40
- Ordinance No. 56-Establishing Annual Compensation schedule for Supervisors
- Ordinance No. 57-A- Transfer of an Interest in Real Property
- Ordinance No. 57-Rousset Turnaround
- Ordinance No. 58-Establishing Traffic Regulations
- Ordinance No. 59-Authorizing and approving construction of central water facilites (Copertino)
- Ordinance No. 60-1-Nuisance Ordinance-Repealing Ordinance No. 60
- Ordinance No. 61-Prohibiting Dogs to run at large-Repealing Ordinance No. 34-amended by Ordinance No. 146
- Ordinance No. 62-Establishing participation in Pike County Council of Governments
- Ordinance No. 63-Amending Ordinance No. 25
- Ordinance No. 64-Road Dedication Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 46
- Ordinance No. 65-Amending Subdvision Ordinance No. 48
- Ordinance No. 66-Amending Ordinance No. 44, 69-amending No. 66-repealed by Ordinance No. 101
- Ordinance No. 67-1-Amending Ordinance No. 67
- Ordinance No. 67-Establishment of Pension Plan for Full time Police Employees
- Ordinance No. 68-Pension Plan for full time non uniformed employees
- Ordinance No. 69-Amending Westfall Township Flood Plain Ordinance No. 66
- Ordinance No. 70-Ordinance increasing the indebtedness in amount of $320,000
- Ordinance No. 71-Amending Ordinance No. 31-a
- Ordinance No. 72-AA-Amendment to Ordinance No. 72-A
- Ordinance No. 72-Subdivision and Land Development
- Ordinance No. 73-Authorizing Construction and Central Water Facilities by Matamoras Municipal Authority
- Ordinance No. 74-Amending Planning Commission Ordinance No. 14
- Ordinance No. 75-Ordinance No. 25-1 Amendment to Ordinance No. 25
- Ordinance No. 76-1-Repealing all prior zoning ordinances
- Ordinance No. 76-Approving Construction of Central Water Facilities
- Ordinance No. 77-A-Amendment to Ordinance No. 77 providing for sinking fund
- Ordinance No. 77-Increasing indebtedness by Issue of General Obligation Note in sum of $28,000 for sundry purposes, etc.
- Ordinance No. 78-Municipal Drug Task Force Agreement
- Ordinance No. 79-Amendment to Penal Ordinances Nos. 18, 20, 24, 28, 29, 31, 37, 39, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 58, 61, 63, 64
- Ordinance No. 80-1-Municipal Waste Management Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 80-Authorizing and approving construction of central water facilities
- Ordinance No. 81-Sludge, Septic and Sewage Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 82-Building Codes-Repealing Ordinances Nos. 25,25-1,25-2,26 and 75
- Ordinance No. 83-Vacating Lost Camp Road
- Ordinance No. 84-Police Pension Ordinance-Amends Ordinances No. 40, 55, 67 and 67-1
- Ordinance No. 85-Central Water Facilities on Blue Ridge Ave from Stella to Elizabeth Streets
- Ordinance No. 86-Compensation of Supervisors
- Ordinance No. 87-Ordinance Allowing the refinance of general obligation note 100389
- Ordinance No. 88-Ordinance increasing the indebtedness of Westfall Township not to exceed $150,000-Highway Equipment Purchases
- Ordinance No. 89-Ordinance creating Westfall Township Municipal Authority
- Ordinance No. 90-Amending Ordinance No. 76-1-Westfall Township Zoning Ordinance to all for Personal Storage Lockers as a Conditional Use in a C-1 Zone
- Ordinance No. 91-Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 74 reducing the size of the Planning Commission from 7 to 5 members
- Ordinance No. 92-Ordinance Prescribing Traffic and Parking Regulations
- Ordinance No. 93-Ordinance Amending No. 76-1-Westfall Twp Zoning Ordinance-concerning clearing operations and to allow for the replacement of above ground fuel tanks
- Ordinance No. 94-Ordinance increasing the indebtedness of Westfall Township in the amout of $100,000-Highway addition
- Ordinance No. 95-Amending Ordinance No. 76-1-concerning communication towers
- Ordinance No. 96-providing for stop intersections and the erection and maintenance of stop signs at intersections
- Ordinance No. 97-amending ordinance No. 76-1 concerning independent retirement living centers
- Ordinance No. 98-Amending Ordinance No. 76-1 to revise zoning map
- Ordinance No. 99-amending Ordinance No. 76-1 to include nursery schools and daycare center as special exception in R-1 zone
- Ordinance No. 100-increasing the indebtedness of Westfall Twp in the amount of $85,000-Highway equipment borrowing
- Ordinance No. 101-Flood Plain Ordinance-repealing Ordinance No. 44 and 66
- Ordinance No. 102-Amendment to Ordinance No. 100
- Ordinance No. 103-Authorizing Central Water Facilities on Twp Roads 402 403 406 452
- Ordinance No. 104-Amending Ordinance 84 with regard to Survivior Benefit
- Ordinance No. 105-Amending Ordinance No. 91
- Ordinance No. 106-Authorizing Township Tax Collector to collect delinquent taxes up until the time turned over to County
- Ordinance No. 107-Sewer Treatment Plant Facility
- Ordinance No. 108-Granting Easements and rights of way re Sewer Authority
- Ordinance No. 109-Requiring owner to hookup re Sewer Authority
- Ordinance No. 110-Authorizing Construction of Central Water Facilities T452
- Ordinance No. 111-Amending Ordinance No. 76-1 Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 112-Amending Ordinance No. 84 Police Pension Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 114-Amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 76-1 amending the removal of fences from definition of structures
- Ordinance No. 115-Compensation of Planning Members
- Ordinance No. 116-Amending the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 117-Holding Tank Ordinance-182 Route 6 and 209
- Ordinance No. 119-Amending Zoning Ordinance-Age restricted multi-family dwelling
- Ordinance No. 120-Uniform Construction Code
- Ordinance No. 121-Borrowing Ordinance $130,000
- Ordinance No. 122-Amending Ordinance No. 121
- Ordinance No. 123-Amending Zoning Ordinance to create ED and GC Zones
- Ordinance 124 through Article 3
- Ordinance 124 from Article 3 through end
- Ordinance No. 125-Authorization of Water main facilities
- Ordinance No. 126-Adoption of Emergency and Municipal Services Tax
- Ordinance No. 127-Borrowing 1.5 million dollars-rescinded July 25 2007
- Ordinance No. 128-Borrowing 2 million dollars
- Ordinance No. 129-Setting compensation of Supervisors
- Ordinance No. 130-Enactment of Realty Transfer Tax and DEP Authorization
- Ordinance No. 131-Establishing the Eastern Pike Regional Police Department
- Ordinance No. 132-Establishing an agreement of Intergovernmental Cooperation-Multi Municipal Comprehensive Planning
- Ordinance No. 133-Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 134-Amending Ordinance No. 84 and 124a Police Pension
- Ordinance No. 135-General Obligation Note $120,000
- Ordinance No. 136-Repealing 126-Enacting 136 Local Service Tax Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 137-Amending Ordinance No. 124-Changing Article II-Age Restricted Housing
- Ordinance No. 138-General Obligation Note $120,000
- Ordinance No. 139-Amending Ordinance 124A-Police Pension Ordinance changing wording of Survivors Benefits
- Ordinance No. 140-Amending Ordinance No. 91 and 105 deleting the requirement of alternate planning member
- Ordinance No. 141-Amending Ordinance No 133 SALDO for in lieu of open space
- Ordinance No. 142-Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 124 for Political Signs
- Ordinance No. 143-Amending Ordinance NO. 31-Updating Enforcement Entity
- Ordinance No. 144-Amending Ordinance No. 37-Updating Enforcement Entity
- Ordinance No. 145-Amending Ordinance No. 50-Updating Enforcement Entity
- Ordinance No. 146-Amending Ordinance No. 61-Updating Enforcement Entity
- Ordinance No. 147-Amending Ordinance No. 31-Temporary Holding Tanks
- Ordinance No. 148-Amending Ordinance No. 105-Increasing Members of the Planning Commission
- Ordinance No. 149-Amending Ordinance No. 84-Changing name to EPRPD
- Ordinance No. 150-Adopting Recovery Plan and Chapter 9 Plan
- Ordinance No. 151-Increasing Indebtedness to Township by $125,000
- Ordinance No. 152-Increasing Indebtedness of Township by $225,000 Tax Anticipation Note
- Ordinance No. 153-Regulating Street Excavations and Openings
- Ordinance No. 154-Increasing Indebtedness of Township by $350,000 Lease Rental Debt
- Ordinance No. 155-Regulating Speed Limit on portions of Cummins Hill Road
- Ordinance No. 156-Providing that in fire losses the Insurance Co. shall transfer proceeds to an official of Westfall Township to be held as security
- Ordinance No. 157-Amending Section 306.B.1-Allowed uses in each zoning district-Ordinance No. 124
- Ordinance No. 158-Establishment of Amusement Tax
- Ordinance No. 159-Amendment to Ordinance No. 31-Traffic and Parking Regulations
- Ordinance No. 160-Increasing indebtedness of Township by $100,000 Tax Anticipation Note
- Ordinance No. 161-Participation in the PSATS Group Trust
- Ordinance No. 162-Increasing Indebtedness of Township by $100,000 Tax Anticipation Note
- Ordinance No. 163-Amending Ordinance No. 161
- Ordinance No. 164-Earned Income-Net Profits Ordinance
- Ordinance No. 165-Repeal of Amusement Tax
- Ordinance No. 166-Zoning Ordinance Revision-Garden Apartments
- Ordinance No. 167-Prohibiting malicious loitering or prowling-enforcement
- Ordinance No. 168-Transferring Authority to assume hiring and oversight of school crossing guards to the DV School District
- Ordinance No. 169 Volunteer Tax Credit
- Ordinance No. 170 Legal Gambling
- Ordinance No. 171 Medical Marijuana
- Ordinance No. 172 Zone Change
- Ordinance No. 173 Authorizing Intergovernmental Agreement
- Ordinance No. 174 Cable Franchise Agreement
- Ordinance No. 175 Increasing Indebtedness of Westfall Township
- Ordinance No. 176 Increasing Indebtedness of Westfall Township
- Sketch Plan Checklist
- Preliminary Plan Checklist: Major Subdivision or Major Land Development Plans
- Final Plan Checklist: Major Subdivision or Major Land Development Plans
- Final Plan Checklist: Minor Subdivision or Minor Land Development Plans
- Completeness Review Township of Westfall
- Pike County Comprehensive Plan: November 2006 (26 MB File)