Westfall Township

Supervisor Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2017

The Regular meeting of the Westfall Township Board of Supervisors was held Monday, November 6, 2017 at 7:00 pm immediately following the Public Hearing Continuance for the Volunteer Tax Credit Ordinance. The meeting was held at the Township Building on Delaware Drive and LaBarr Lane, Westfall Township.

Those present were Vice Chairman, Jerry Dotey; Supervisors; Lester Buchanan, Paul Fischer and Robert Bostinto; Solicitor, Robert Bernathy; and Secretary, Jodi Hulse. Also present were Treasurer, Scott Myer; Zoning Officer, Wayne Rohner; Road Master, Bill Schneider, Mill Rift Fire Chief, Tom Lamb; Westfall Township Fire Chief, Rob Llewellyn, Westfall Township Fire Department President, Bill Koferl; Emergency Management Coordinator Assistant, Mike Fischetta;  Bernard Swartwood, Roland MacDonald, John Dalton and approximately 8 members of the general public.

Chairman Robert Melvin was absent.


The last executive session was held October 2, 2017 at 7:51 pm for personnel matters


A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Buchanan and carries with all in favor.


Mr. MacDonald questioned the elimination of school tax.


A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to approve the October 2, 2017 Regular Meeting minutes.  The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with three in favor and one abstention.  Supervisor Fischer abstained due to his absence at the meeting.

Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes-October 10, 2017: Tabled


Mr. Myer gave the report through the month of November, 2017. Mr. Myer stated the Freightliner Truck loan has been paid in full three years early.   The fire departments are fully funded.  Mr. Myer stated that income is over 100% at this time and expenses are in line.

The Treasurer’s Report through November, 2017 was approved on a motion by Supervisor Buchanan. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.


Sargent Zegarski read the report for October, 2017 which reads as follows

Significant Happenings

Miles Patrolled: 5,640
YTD: 52,660
Motor Vehicle Accidents: 20
YTD: 191
Calls for Month: 198
YTD: 2,050
Westfall: 117
Matamoras: 81

A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to accept the Police Report for the month of October, 2017. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.


Westfall Fire Department:

Chief Llewellyn gave the report for the month of October, 2017, which stated as follows:

FIRE REPORT: 8 Automatic Fire Alarms; 4 Motor Vehicle Accident; 1 CO Alarm; 2 Vehicle Fires; 2 Chief Investigation, 1 Assist EMS, 2 Assist EPRPD, 1 Unattended Burn, 1 Structure Fire, for a total of 22 calls for October; 228 Call YTD

EMS Calls for October, 2017: 60 Calls in Westfall Twp; 14 calls in Dingman Twp; 7 calls in Milford Twp; 16 calls in Milford Borough; 15 calls in Matamoras Borough;   1 calls in Shohola Township; 1 call in Porter Township; 1 Call in Sussex County, NJ; 7 calls in Orange County, NY for a total of 122 calls for October;  885 calls YTD

Combined YTD calls: 1,113

Training for the Month: Four drills/In-house training sessions held for 128 hours; Four members completed Firefighter 1 certification (National Accred.); Two members completed Firefighter II certification (National Accred.); two members completed Operator/Pumper certification (National Accred.)

Fund Raising: Hosted Tricky Tray-October 14 at DVHS

Other: American Red Cross Blood Drive hosted by WTVFD on November 6
Issues regarding GO 24 Store have not been addressed. Hydrant has not been installed
Hosted Bi-Annual “Old Timer” Night Dinner
Participated in Fire Prevention Week at Home Depot on October 7, 2017

A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to approve the Westfall Fire Department Report for the month of October, 2017. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.

Mill Rift Fire Department

Chief Lamb gave the report for the month of October, 2017, which stated as follows:

10/4/17: Work Night-Driver Training-Eng1, Brush 1
10/05/17: Structure Fire-Hampton Inn-34 Tanker
10/11/17: Work Night-Ran and checked all trucks
10/17/17: Fire Call-Mill Rift
10/18/17: Work Night-Went over pump truck and Tanker 1
10/25/17: Work Night-Driver Training-Engine 1 and Tanker 1

Total Man Hours: 50
Total Equipment Hours Year to date: 218
Total Man Hours for the Year: 844

Chief Lamb noted that a Brush Truck was donated to the Department by the DCNR.

A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to approve the Mill Rift Fire Department Report for the month of October, 2017. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Dotey and carries with all in favor.


Mr. Schneider gave the report for October, 2017.  The Department continued shoulder work throughout the Township.  Trimming was done on the right of ways.  Cold patching was done throughout the Township.  The Department cleared culvert pipes before the storm.  The spreader was installed on one plow truck.  Maintenance was done on equipment.  Mr. Schneider stated the Department repaired a washout on Decker Lane after the rain storm.  He stated he has a meeting scheduled to meet with the Pike County Conservation District and Kiley Associates to discuss a possible grant for repair on Decker Lane.

Anti-Skid was ordered and stockpiled.

A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to approve the October, 2017 Highway Report. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.


Wayne Rohner gave the report for October, 2017. He reported four building permits, one electrical permit and six zoning permits for the month of October which totaled $1,442.00 in fees collected.

Discussion was held regarding line painting in the Township Parking Lot. This matter was tabled until the December meeting.

Mr. Rohner also stated he obtained a quote for a two headed LED pole kit for the lighting in the township building parking lot. The quote is $1,500 for just the light fixture.  A 25 foot pole and footer is not included in the quote.  Discussion followed.

A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to approve payment of the purchase of the lighting fixture, pole, footing and electrical work not to exceed $10,000.00. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.

A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to approve the Building/Zoning Report for October, 2017. The motion was seconded by Bob Bostinto and carries with all in favor.


Mr. Fischetta gave the report for October, 2017.  There was one call for the month of October which was at the Walmart location.  A motorhome dumped sewage matter into a catch basin.

A motion was made by Supervisor Buchanan to accept the Emergency Management Report for October, 2017. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.


On desk for review.


A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to remove this matter from the agenda and table it until April, 2017. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Buchanan and carries with all in favor.


  1. Pike County Drug Task Force-November 15, 2017 Meeting: Supervisor Bostinto stated he would be attending.
  2. Secretary Vacation Approval-November 16, 27 & 30 and December 7, 21, 26, 27 & 28: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the Secretary’s vacation dates of November 16, 27 & 30 and December 7, 21, 26, 27 & 28. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Buchanan and carries with all in favor.
  3. Letter from Pike County Commissioners-ALS and BLS Services-DCED Feasibility Study: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve and sign the Letter of Intent to assist with the Pike County Commissioners to conduct a study through the PA Department of Community & Economic Development to analyze and assess Pike County/Municipal needs for regional ALS and BLS Services. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
  4. Fire Protection Contract-Medical Services: Secretary Hulse stated she was having difficulty finding a medical facility willing to provide services to the Township for medical testing for the Fire Department for compliance with the Fire Protection Contract. The Board directed Secretary Hulse to contact neighboring municipalities and PSATS for information. Mr. Koferl asked if CDL certification would be adequate. Solicitor Bernathy agreed as long as the members are compliant with the contract.

No action taken by the Board.




Solicitor Bernathy explained that the Township received documentation from the Pike County Prothonotary Office directing the Township to provide a copy of the Transcript and Decision of the Malibu Land Holdings, LLC Conditional Use Hearing due to an appeal of the decision by a group of neighboring property owners. Since this is public record, there is no need to go into an executive session.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. on a motion by Supervisor Buchanan.  Motion seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jodi Hulse
