Westfall Township, Matamoras, PA
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September 9, 2019
The Regular meeting of the Westfall Township Board of Supervisors was held Monday, September 9, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held at the Township Building on Delaware Drive and LaBarr Lane, Westfall Township.
Those present were Vice Chairman, Jerry Dotey; Supervisors; Robert Bostinto, Paul Fischer and Paul Schaldonat; Solicitor; Robert Bernathy; and Secretary, Jodi Manheim; Zoning Officer, Jeff Cammerino. Also present were Road Master, Bill Schneider; EPRPD Sargent Zegarski and Officer Perez; Westfall Township Fire Department Assistant Chief; Mike Pflanz; Emergency Management Coordinator, Mike Fischetta; John Dalton and one other member of the general public.
Chairman Melvin was absent.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The last executive session was held on and August 5, 2019 at 6:45 pm for litigation.
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the agenda with no changes. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Dalton addressed the Board and referred to a letter he submitted to the Township regarding a parking issue which took place on Pond Drive in early August. He asked the Board to consider a “No Parking” Ordinance. Vice Chairman Dotey explained there was an anniversary party held at one of the residences on Pond Drive and that it was a temporary situation. He then stated the Board would take the matter into consideration.
Discussion followed. Solicitor Bernathy stated that input from the Township Engineer would be needed and that the Board would need to understand all conditions of the situation. If an ordinance were to be put in effect, it would be township wide. Solicitor Bernathy appreciated Mr. Dalton’s concern. He also confirmed with the Jodi Manheim that no other complaints were received. Vice Chairman Dotey stated the people parking moved after they were directed by the Police Department.
Brief discussion followed.
Solicitor Bernathy confirmed the incident did not result in any injury or accident. He confirmed with Mr. Dalton there was no total obstruction of the road. Solicitor Bernathy once again, stated his appreciation
No further comment.
August 5, 2019: A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve the August 5, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with three in favor and one abstention. Supervisor Fischer abstained due to his absence at the meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Scott Myer gave the report through August, 2019. He noted that income and expenses are in line for this time of year.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the August, 2019 Treasurer Report. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
POLICE REPORT: Sgt. Zegarski gave the report for the month of August, 2019. The report reflects the following:
Adult Arrests 18
Investigations 6
Motor Vehicle Crashes 21
Assaults 1
Burglaries 2
Thefts 9
Fraud 7
Vandalism 2
Weapons Offense 1
Sex Offenses 1
Drug Abuse 4
Drunkeness 2
Disorderly Conduct 4
All Other 3
Significant Happenings:
*Participated in National Night Out with Port Jervis Police
*Officer Neallis taught fingerprinting to 4H Students at 911 Center
*Participated in Staples Safety Day
*Sportsman’s Raffle Tickets are available to support Foundation
Sgt. Zegarski introduced Officer Perez to the Board.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the August, 2019 Police Report. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
WESTFALL FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Assistant Chief Pflanz gave the report for the month of August, 2019 which reflects the following: Assist Police-1; Automatic Fire Alarms-6; Brush fire-1; Flooding Condition-1; Landing Zone-2; MVA-6; Structure Fire-2; Water Rescue-1; Vehicle Fire-1; The total fire calls- 32.
YTD: 288.68
The EMS Report for the month of August, 2019 was as follows: Dingman Township-2; Matamoras Borough-5; Milford Boro-4; Milford Township-1; Orange County-4; Westfall Township-46; Total-62
YTD: 677; Man Hours-58; Man Hours YTD-931
Training for the month: 5 in house drills for a total of 101 hours
We will be attending the orange county fireman’s parade in Warwick on Saturday September 28 with engine one.
We have been awarded the 2018 FEMA Assistance to firefighter’s grant which will help us replace all of our aging SCBAs (18).
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the Westfall Fire Department report for the month of August, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Mr. Schneider gave the report for August, 2019 which reflects the following:
- Tree Trimming/Right of Way Clearing throughout the township
- Pot hole filling throughout the township
- Bush hog on Bluestone Boulevard, Cummins Hill Road, Old Milford Road, Pine Hill Farm Road and Roberts Lane
- Installed culvert pipe on Sand Pit Road
- Remove tree on Doug Miller Road
- Removed trees for Salt Shed Base construction
- New Peterbilt back to Bonhams for adjustments on equipment
- Paving complete on Decker Lane on Saturday
- Paving being done on Doug Miller Road today-being completed tomorrow
- Meeting with DCNR on October 15, 2019 regarding the Bluestone Boulevard Stream Relocation Project
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the Highway Department Report for August 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
BUILDING/ZONING REPORT: Jeff Cammerino gave the report for August, 2019 which reflects the following:
3 Building Permits totaling $2,187.70 in fees; 2 Electrical Permits totaling $249.00 in fees; 6 Zoning Permits totaling $600.00 in fees. Total Fees received for the month of August, 2019; $3,036.70. Total Outstanding Fees: 0
A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve the Building/Zoning Report for August, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Mike Fischetta gave the report for August, 2019. There were no calls for the month of August, 2019.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the Emergency Management Report for the month of August, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
CORRESPONDENCE: On desk for review.
Salt Shed Upper Portion of Structure-Clear Span Quote: A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve the purchase of the Salt Shed Upper Portion of Structure from Clear Span Fabric Structure International through the Sourcewell Program as per the quote dated August 8, 2019 in the amount of $45,754.00. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
2008 Chevrolet Truck Bid Proposals: Vice Chairman Dotey opened the one bid received. The bid was from Center RV, Inc.-Mike Veneziano in the amount of $5,607.00.
A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to reject the bid due to failure to meet the minimum bid amount of $10,000.00. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Brief discussion followed.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to re-advertise the vehicle in the Pike County Dispatch, Pocono Record and Times Herald Record with a minimum bid amount of $8,500.00 with the same specifications as previously advertised with a bid cutoff date of October 3, 2019 at 3:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Freightliner-Advertise for Sale: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to advertise the 2009 Freightliner in the Pike County Dispatch, Pocono Record and Times Herald Record with a minimum bid amount of $30,000.00 with a bid cutoff date of October 3, 2019 at 3:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Mill Rift Substation adjacent to Township Building: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Eastern Pike Regional Police Department to occupy the substation next to the Township Building in accordance with the same terms of the lease of the lower level of the Township Building with the exception of human occupancy. The building will be used for evidence and vehicle storage only. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
Solicitor Bernathy confirmed with Assistant Chief Pflanz this action will not jeopardize the Westfall Township Fire Department’s service area and will not affect funding for the Department.
Penn DOT Winter Maintenance Agreement Renewal: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the renewal of the Five Year Winter Municipal Agreement. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
Pike County Association of Township Officials Annual Convention: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the attendance (Dotey, Fischer and Cammerino) and cost of $200.00 for the Pike County Associations of Township Officials Annual Convention to be held at the Best Western Inn on October 4, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Roads-Training Course: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the cost of $$125.35 for motel cost plus meals, mileage and gas cost for Highway Department Employee, Richard Ransom to attend the training session to be held at the Pine Barn Inn in Danville, PA on October 30 and 31, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
Fee Schedule Revision-Resolution: This matter was tabled.
PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust-2019 Ballot for Election of Trustee and Pennsylvania Townships Health Insurance Cooperative Trust-2019 Ballot for Election of Trustee: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to vote for Michael Keller for Trustee for the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust and Pennsylvania Health Insurance Cooperative Trust. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Pike Health Properties, LLC-Collateral Assignment of Development Agreement and Consent to Assignment (Exos Commercial Lending, LLC): A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve the Assignment and to execute same at the time Solicitor Bernathy receives the revised Assignment reflecting the revision of Section 7 entitled Choice of Law; Jurisdiction to reflect that the Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Pennsylvania rather than New York in the event that any dispute arises from or is related to the assignment of any of the other loan documentation. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
Application for Part Time Highway Department Employee: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve hiring Johnathan D. Crawn as a Part Time Highway Department Employee for snow plowing at a rate of $15.00 per hour contingent upon all Employee Manual provisions and a criminal background check. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Secretary Vacation Dates for Approval: A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve the following vacation days for Jodi Manheim:
8/22/19; 8/28/19 (1/2 day); 9/19/19 (1/2 day); 10/31/19; 11/21/19; 12/23/19; 12/24/19 (1/2 day); 12/26/19; 12/30/19; 12/31/19 (1/2 day)
The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
Noll-Minor Subdivision: A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to approve the Noll-Minor Subdivision Plan with the following condition:
- Proposed Deed showing easement over Lot 1A to be provided to the Township for review and approval.
- The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
Noll-Component 1 Sewage Planning Module: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the Component 1-Sewage Planning Module for the Noll Minor Subdivision. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
Pike County Environmental Enterprises, LLC-Land Development Plan: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the Pike County Environmental Enterprises, LLC-Land Development Plan with no outstanding conditions. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
Paddlers Point-Garden Apartments-Conditional Use Application-Schedule Hearing: A motion was made by Supervisor Schaldonat to schedule the Paddlers Point-Garden Apartments-Conditional Use Hearing for Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: No executive session held.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m. on a motion by Supervisor Bostinto. Motion seconded by Supervisor Schaldonat and carries with all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodi Manheim