Westfall Township, Matamoras, PA
October 7, 2019
The Regular meeting of the Westfall Township Board of Supervisors was held Monday, October 7, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held at the Township Building on Delaware Drive and LaBarr Lane, Westfall Township.
Those present were Chairman, Robert Melvin; Vice Chairman, Jerry Dotey; Supervisors; Robert Bostinto and Paul Fischer; Solicitor; Robert Bernathy; and Secretary, Jodi Manheim; Zoning Officer, Jeff Cammerino. Also present were Road Master, Bill Schneider; EPRPD Chief; Chad Stewart; Westfall Township Fire Department Assistant Chief; Mike Pflanz; Emergency Management Coordinator, Mike Fischetta; Larry Oellerich; Mike Gable, Boucher & James; Pat Moran, Phantom Fireworks; MaryAnn Hubbard; Penn State Extension; Joseph Pereira, AT&T; Robert Kidwell; and three members of the general public.
Supervisor, Paul Schaldonat was absent.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The last executive session was held on and August 5, 2019 at 6:45 pm for litigation.
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the agenda with no changes. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment.
September 9, 2019-Regular Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the September 9, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
September 16, 2019-Joint Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the September 16, 2019 Joint Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Scott Myer gave the report through September, 2019. A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the Treasurer’s Report through September, 2019. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Stewart gave the report for the month of September, 2019. The report reflects the following:
2 Juvenile Arrests
17 Adult Arrests
6 Investigations
21 Motor Vehicle Crashes
1 Burglary
8 Thefts
3 Fraud
3 Vandalism
1 Weapons Offense
1 Sex Offenses
5 Drug Abuse
1 Drunkeness
9 Disorderly Conduct
11 All other
Significant Happenings:
*Participated in Warrior Fest
*Firearms Training with Weapons Manufacturers
*October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
*Participated in Managing Police Records
*4 Officers trained in Intoxylizer 9000
*Conducted DUI Checkpoints
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the September, 2019 Police Report. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
WESTFALL FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Assistant Chief Pflanz gave the report for the month of September, 2019 which reflects the following: Assist EMS-2; Automatic Fire Alarms-7; Environmental Rescue-1; Investigation Chief-1; Investigation-2; MVA-4; Structure Fire-4
Total Calls For September: 21
YTD: 203
Man Hours: 48.73
YTD Man Hours: 337.41
The EMS Report for the month of September, 2019 was as follows: Delaware Township-1; Dingman Township-18; Matamoras Boro-17; Milford Boro-7; Milford Twp-7; Orange County-5; Shohola Township-1; Westfall Township-56
Total Calls for October-112
Man Hours-259
YTD Man Hours-1190
Training for the month: 4 in house drills for total of 83 training hours; 1 member is currently enrolled in part 1 of 2 of vehicle extrication class at the pike county training center which is a total of 48 hours; 9 members attended the Orange County Parade which was also Warwick FDs 150th celebration. The members came home with 2nd best appearing out of county apparatus; we now have both ambulances back from all major repairs
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the Westfall Fire Department report for the month of September, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Mr. Schneider gave the report for September, 2019 which reflects the following:
- Driver Training on new Peterbilt
- Cold Patching throughout the Township
- Trimming and mowing of Township Right of Way
- Doug Miller Road and Decker Lane Paving-shouldering done
- Trench dug for cable line to sub-station for police department
- Maintenance on shop/door repair
- Maintenance on equipment
- Repair drainage ditches
- Mr. Schneider met with the Penn Dot Representative to review paving projects for 2020
- Mr. Schneider attended the monthly Road Task Force Meeting
- Mr. Schneider met with the Workers Comp Insurance Representative for shop inspection
- Worked on salt shed area/brush-chipper
- New tires on 2015 Dodge 450
- Pedestrian Tunnel has been painted
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Highway Department Report for September, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
BUILDING/ZONING REPORT: Jeff Cammerino gave the report for September, 2019 which reflects the following:
7 Building Permits totaling $4,687.50; 1 Mechanical Permit totaling $124.50; 3 Zoning Permits totaling $425.00. Total Fees collected $5,237.00.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the Building/Zoning Report for September, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Chairman Melvin thanked Mr. Cammerino enforcing the sign ordinance and cleaning up illegal signs.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Mike Fischetta gave the report for September, 2019. There were no calls for the month of August, 2019. EMA was scheduled to attend a joint emergency services meeting with the National Park Service on October 2nd which was postponed due to an emergency in the park. Work is continuing on the Township EOP and we will be submitting an application this month to the National Weather Service to be recognized as a Storm Ready community. Mr. Fischetta will be updating the Supervisors during this process on the progress of the application.
For informational purposes there will be siren maintenance and testing for the emergency warning sirens in Matamoras Borough on October 31st. This will be conducted by Matamoras EMA. Some township residents may hear short activations throughout the day.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Emergency Management Report for the month of September, 2019. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
CORRESPONDENCE: On desk for review.
2008 Chevrolet Truck Bid Proposals: Chairman Melvin opened the one bid received. The bid was from Center RV, Inc.-Mike Veneziano in the amount of $4,107.00.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to reject the bid due to failure to meet the minimum bid amount of $8,500.00. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
Brief discussion followed.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to re-advertise the vehicle in the Pike County Dispatch, Pocono Record and Times Herald Record with a minimum bid amount of $5,000.00 with the same specifications as previously advertised with a bid cutoff date of October 31, 2019 at 3:00 pm. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Freightliner-Advertise for Sale: No bids were received. A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to advertise the Freightliner for Sale on the Municibid website with a reserve of $30,000 with a bid ending date of October 31, 2019. Bids to be reviewed for disposition at the November 4, 2019 Regular Supervisor Meeting.
Pike Health Properties/Westfall Senior Center-Bond Release Request No. 1: A letter dated September 10, 2019 was received by Kiley Associates, LLC to confirm inspection and work completed. A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the bond reduction request No. 1 in the amount of $102,314.68 with a remaining bond amount of $1,249,410.54. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
Pike Health Properties/Westfall Senior Center-Bond Release Request No. 2: A letter dated October 2, 2019 was received by Kiley Associates, LLC to confirm inspection and work completed. A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the bond reduction request No. 2 in the amount of $15,040.47 with a remaining bond amount of $1,234,370.08. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
Penn State Extension Presentation-MaryAnn Hubbard, Representative: Ms. Hubbard presented a folder to each Supervisors with several programs to work together with and to assist with different matters within the Township. The folder was placed out for public inspection at the Township Office.
Non-Uniform Pension Plan-Minimum Municipal Obligation: Chairman Melvin stated Roth & Roth, Inc., Non-Uniform Pension Plan Actuary has provided the Minimum Municipal Obligation for 2020 which shows zero. He noted the plan is fully funded at this time with no funding obligation to the township.
No action taken.
Mill Rift Fire Department-Outstanding Invoices: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve payment of the Verizon Phone Invoice in the amount of $250.59 and the Rohrer Bus Invoice in the amount of $69.56. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to discontinue the Verizon Phone services to the Mill Rift Fire Station after final payment has been received. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve payment of fuel oil purchase from Deer Park Oil for heating of Mill Rift Fire Department Building and Sub Station adjacent to Township Building not to exceed the amount of $2,500.00. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
TowerNorth Land Development-Cell Tower Plan-Letter from Planning Commission dated September 26, 2019: Representative: Joseph Pereira, AT&T
Mr. Pereira explained the plan to the Board. It was noted there will be no impact to adjacent property owners, fenced in facility, non-lit tower and enhancement to communications. Mr. Pereira explained the lightning suppression. He noted the following:
- Tower is grounded
- Lightning rod, antenna and cable and separately grounded
- Perimeter of property is protected
- Grounding rods in place for each carrier
He also noted there will be a small generator for AT&T for emergency services and that all systems have battery backup for 6 to 20 hours. Mr. Pereira also noted there are no other towers in the area to accommodate AT& T and to provide service to this area.
There were no objections from the public.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the TowerNorth Land Development Plan with the following conditions:
- All comments on Kiley Associates, LLC review letter dated September 19, 2019
- All conditions set forth in Special Exception Zoning Hearing held on July 24, 2019
- Pike County Planning Agency review and approvalThe motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.Phantom Fireworks Land Development Plan and Lot Consolidation Plan-Letter from Planning Commission dated September 26, 2019: Representatives: Robert Kidwell, Solicitor; Pat Moran; Michael Gable, Boucher & James, Inc.Mr. Kidwell addressed the Board and explained the plan which is to add a 4200 square foot storage building to the property. Mr. Gable explained the Land Development Plan and the Lot Consolidation Plan. He stated the Lot Consolidation Plan was completed in the past but a deed was never recorded. Mr. Kidwell provided a Draft Lot Combination Deed to Solicitor for review.Chief Stewart asked if there would be an alarm and if so, an alarm permit will be required prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. The Board added condition “L” to the list of conditions of approval.A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Phantom Fireworks Land Development Plan and Lot Consolidation Plan with the following conditions:
- Proposed Lot Combination Deed to be submitted to the Township for review and approval by the Township Solicitor
- All comments listed on the Kiley Associates, LLC review letter dated April 5, 2019
- Applicant to provide confirmation of no percussion fireworks to be stored in the proposed structure
- Sprinklers are required
- Applicant to provide study to confirm impact on adjacent properties in event of explosion including projectile impact
- Automatic Roof Vents required
- Applicant to provide study confirming blow out walls and design to accommodate explosion
- Water Authority verification of gallonage and pressure
- 24 hour video surveillance of entire site including interior and exterior
- 30 day recording to be preserved of surveillance areas
- Conditional upon Pike County Planning Office review
- Alarm system to be installed in proposed building and alarm permit shall be obtained before issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: An executive session was called at 7:43 pm for the purposes of personnel matters.
The meeting was called back to order at 7:56 pm. No further action taken and no decisions made.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. on a motion by Supervisor Fischer. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodi Manheim