NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Westfall Township Building, 102 LaBarr Lane, Matamoras, Pennsylvania, a public hearing will be held before the Westfall Township Zoning Hearing Board regarding the application of Nicholas A. Cuce, Esq., Reger Rizzo & Darnall, LLP, on behalf of the TowerNorth Development, LLC. who is seeking to appeal the issuance of a Notice of Violation by the Westfall Township Zoning Officer. The application relates to the extension of the existing monopole from the current height of one hundred and fourteen feet to one hundred and twenty-nine feet, which is located at 107 Westfall Town Drive, Matamoras, PA. The Board shall hear evidence at the public hearing from the Applicant and all other interested parties and may likewise deliberate and take action upon the application.