Westfall Township, Matamoras, PA
June 4, 2018
The Regular meeting of the Westfall Township Board of Supervisors was held Monday, June 4, 2018 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held at the Township Building on Delaware Drive and LaBarr Lane, Westfall Township.
Those present were Chairman, Robert Melvin, Vice Chairman, Jerry Dotey; Supervisors; Paul Fischer, Robert Bostinto and Michelle Wilkins; Solicitor; Robert Bernathy; and Secretary, Jodi Hulse. Also present were Road Master, Bill Schneider; Westfall Township Fire Department Chief; Robert Llewellyn; Sargent Zegarski, EPRPD, Emergency Management Assistant; Michael Fischetta; Treasurer, Scott Myer; Attorney Miles Wren, Michael Gable; Boucher and James, Michael Kelly, John Fuller, P.E., Thomas Murante, James Mauer; McGoey, Hauser and Edsall and Martin Springstead. There were approximately 10 members of the general public present.
Zoning Officer, Wayne Rohner was absent.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The last Executive Session was held May 7, 2018 @ 8:12 pm for personnel and May 22, 2018 at 4:30 pm for personnel.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the agenda with no changes. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the May 7, 2018 Regular Supervisor Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with four in favor and one abstention. Chairman Melvin abstained due to his absence at the meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr. Myer gave the report through the month of May, 2018.
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the Treasurer’s report through the month of May, 2018. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
POLICE REPORT: Sargent Zegarski gave the report for the month of May, 2018 which reflected the following:
Significant Happenings:
-Opiod Task Force Meeting
-Buckle Up Border to Border Initiative w/Port Jervis Police
-VR Weapons Training Testing
-Participated in Safety Day Program at PA Welcome Center
Miles Patrolled: 5,819
YTD: 24,000
Motor Vehicle Accidents: 16
YTD: 67
Calls for month: 212
YTD: 848
Westfall: 162
Matamoras: 48
A motion was made by Supervisor Wilkins to approve the Police Report for the month of May, 2018. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
Mill Rift Fire Department: No representative present. Jodi Hulse read the report for the month of May, 2018:
5/02/18: Brush Fire-White Birch Road
5/08/18: Monthly Meeting
5/12/18: Structure Fire and Tree on wire-Bluestone Boulevard
5/16/18: Tree on House-103 Bluestone Boulevard
5/23/18: Work Night-Drive Training
5/30/18: Work Night-Driver Training
Total Man Hours: 70
Total Equipment Hours: 110
Total Man Hours for the Year: 451
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the report for the month of May, 2018. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Wilkins and carries with all in favor.
Westfall Fire Department: Chief Llewellyn read the report for May, 2018: 3 Automatic Fire Alarms, 5 Motor Vehicle Accidents, 2 Assist EMS, 1 Assist PD, 1 Vehicle Fire, 1 CO Alarm, 3 Brush Fires, 2 Utility/Tree Down, 6 Chief Investigation and 7 Structure Fire. Total calls for May, 2018 were 31; 132 calls YTD
The EMS Report for the month of May, 2018 was as follows: 54 Calls in Westfall Township, 14 Calls in Dingman Township, 10 calls in Milford Township, 11 calls in Milford Borough, 10 calls in Matamoras Borough, 1 call in Blooming Grove, 2 calls in Shohola Township, 2 calls in Delaware Township, and 2 calls in Orange County, NY. Total calls for May, 2018 were 106. Total EMS calls YTD are 560.
The combined Year to Date calls are 692.
Training for the month: Five drills/In-house training sessions held for 88 hours; one member completed 216 hours of Essentials of Firefighting; one member completed 16 hours of Structural Burn
Fundraising: Annual Golf Outing held
Memorial Day Coin Toss Held
August 10-Pulled Pork Dinner
Other: New Ambulance in service-May 30, 2018
EMS Subscription drives out to residents currently
GO 24 Store hydrant has not been installed.
A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to approve the Westfall Fire Department report for the month of May, 2018. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Mr. Schneider gave the report for May, 2018 which reflected the following work done:
- Hot Patch repair
- Cold Patch repair
- Compost area maintenance
- Should maintenance
- Culvert Pipe maintenance
- Tree work-two storms
- Helped Penn DOT and Pike County Power and Light with storm clean- up (1017 and Bluestone Boulevard)
- Attendance of Road Task Force Meeting
- Meeting with Peterbilt Representative regarding truck specifications
- Assisted Matamoras Borough with shoulder work
- Mowed Township Rights of Way
- Cleared lose stone on township roads
- Worked with Penn DOT representative-Paving specifications-Heaters Hill and Reuben Bell Drive
- Worked with Matamoras Water Authority regarding James Street water line.
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve the Highway Department Report for the month of May, 2018. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Wilkins and carries with all in favor.
BUILDING/ZONING REPORT: Wayne Rohner was not present. Jodi Hulse gave the report for the month of May, 2018 which reflected the following:
5 Building Permits -$1,931.10 fees
1 Electrical Permit-$148.50 fees
2 Zoning Permits-$75.00 fees
Total Fees $2,154.60 collected ($75.00 outstanding)
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Building and Zoning Report for the month of May, 2018. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Mike Fischetta was present and gave the report for the month of May, 2018 which reflected no calls for the month. He also gave the Supervisors a description of the March calls as per their request.
A motion was made by Supervisor Wilkins to approve the EMA Report for the month of May, 2018. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
CORRESPONDENCE: On desk for review.
- Conditional Use Application-Malibu Land Holdings, LLC: This matter was handled just prior to the meeting at the Public Hearing-Court Stenographer was present.
- Proposed Fire Code Enforcement Ordinance: This matter was tabled.
- Emergency Access Road-Township property-Delaware Drive to Decker Lane: Solicitor Bernathy stated the deeds are prepared and have been read for the subdivision and lot combination. A motion was made by Supervisor Wilkins to refer the subdivision and lot combination application to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
- Revision of previous motion-Peterbilt purchase (cost adjustment): Mr. Schneider explained that the previously approved cost estimate is for a truck which will not be available in time for this coming winter season. He obtained a quote for an aluminum body Peterbilt with upgrades. The difference in price is $9,752. Mr. Schneider stated the Peterbilt will be ready for delivery by fall of this year. Solicitor Bernathy noted the estimate is exempt from bidding and approved through the Costars program.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the purchase of the Peterbilt Chassis according to specifications from Hunter Truck Sales and Service dated 5/16/18 in the amount of $112,056.00 which is an increase of $9,752.00 from the previously approved truck purchase price. The motion also includes the approval to obtain a loan in the amount of $168,650.00 ($112,056.00 Chassis and $56,594.00 accessories) from the Municipal Authority of the Township of Westfall. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
A motion was made by Chairman Melvin to approve the payment of the $50,334.00 truck purchase from the general fund. This purchase was approved at the May 7, 2018 Supervisor Meeting. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
- Hiring of Township Highway Department Employee: A motion was made by Supervisor Fischer to hire Mr. Martin Springstead at an hourly rate of $17.50 contingent upon all conditions in the Employee Manual including a background check and drug/alcohol testing with an effective date of June 25, 2018. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
- Emergency Services: Discussion held regarding issues. Jodi Hulse stated that the Board is still waiting for a response from Dingman Township and that Milford Township and Delaware Township would like to be involved in the scheduling of a meeting. This matter was tabled until a response is received by Dingman Township.
- Decker Lane Project: Jodi Hulse stated there are estimates provided by Kiley Associates, LLC for engineering costs ($26,300) and for project costs ($88,000) for this project. Mr. Schneider explained that if the Board does not decide to move forward with the project then there would be no need to have the engineering done and pay engineering fees. Discussion followed. Vice Chairman Dotey stated that the project needs to be done. Chairman Melvin questioned the need and the cost of the project. Additional discussion followed regarding potential easement agreements. Solicitor Bernathy requested maps of the area so that he may get a better understanding of the project and provide an opinion to the Board. Mr. Schneider stated he would obtain the maps from Kiley Associates, LLC for Mr. Bernathy’s review. This matter was tabled until the July 2, 2018 Supervisor Meeting.
- Zoning Change-Application-Senior Health Care Solutions, Inc: Representatives: Michael Gable, Boucher and James; Attorney Miles Wren and Michael Kelly, Senior Health Care Solutions, Inc.
Solicitor Bernathy stated this discussion is on an informal basis and the application will need to go before the Planning Commission. Mr. Gable explained the proposal. He noted the subject property is part of a previously approved Land Development Plan for Rivers Edge. The proposal is for a zone change for a parcel of land which is currently zoned R-1 and C-2 which is located on Rivers Edge Drive off of Reuben Bell Drive. The applicant is looking to change the partial R-1 zoning to C-2 zoning to permit a 70 bed nursing home and 50 unit assisted living center. Discussion followed regarding the need for such facilities. Attorney Wren noted the applicant is very successful and has 24 facilities in operation currently. Chief Llewellyn noted the concern of the lack of emergency services volunteers and the number of calls these facilities would create. Mr. Kelly stated they would contract with outside emergency service providers. Chairman Melvin confirmed with Mr. Gable that this property is not located within a flood zone. Additional discussion held regarding the lack of emergency services.
Mr. Gable noted there will be a Subdivision and Land Development application submitted in the future for this project.
A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to refer this matter to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
- Office Water Cooler Issue: A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the purchase of a small refrigerator for bottled water at the Township Offices at a cost not to exceed $300.00. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
- Paving Projects-Part of Heaters Hill and Part of Reuben Bell Drive-Bid Advertisement: A motion was made by Supervisor Bostinto to approve advertising for bids for the T-447 Part of Heaters Hill Paving Project and the T-452 Part of Reuben Bell Drive Paving Project with all sealed bids to be received by the Township Office by Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 3:30 pm and sealed bids to be opened at the July 2, 2018 Regular Supervisor Meeting. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Wilkins and carries with all in favor.
- Community Self Storage, Inc-151 Reuben Bell Drive-Minor Land Development-Letter from Planning Commission: Representatives: Thomas Murante, Owner and John Fuller, P.E.
Mr. Fuller presented an overview to the Board of the application which is for a storage facility.
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Dotey to approve the Minor Land Develoment Application for Community Self Storage, Inc. with the following conditions:
- All comments noted in Kiley Associates, LLC review letter dated May 9, 2018
- It is the opinion of the applicant/applicant’s engineer that no sprinkler system is required and that the applicant will inform the fire department at the time of building permit application
- The fence line will be installed on the property line and not in the township right of way
- Fire alarm, access to hydrant (knox box on gate) and yelp device installation
- Wall construction will meet criteria for exemption of sprinkler system
- Applicant will have fence installed prior to land development approval at his own risk
- All comments noted in Pike County Office of Community Planning correspondence dated May 15, 2018
The motion was seconded by Supervisor Bostinto and carries with all in favor.
- Twin Tiers Hospitality, LLC-Best Western Inn-Minor Subdivision Application/Sewage Planning Module Application-Letter from Planning Commission: Representative: James Maurer, McGoey, Hauser & Edsall
A motion was made by Supervisor Wilkins to approve the Minor Subdivision Application for Twin Tiers Hospitality, LLC-Best Western Inn with the following conditions:
- The final plans will be sealed
- Applicant to provide existing deeds, easements and maintenance agreements/proposed deeds, easements and maintenance agreements
- Component 1 Planning Module exemption from the PA DEP
- Applicant to provide proposed easement over pond for fire protection purposes for the Best Western Inn
The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Dotey and carries with all in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. on a motion by Supervisor Bostinto. Motion seconded by Supervisor Fischer and carries with all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jodi Hulse